The Irish Network DC serves as the heart of the diverse Irish and Irish-American community in Washington, D.C. We embrace all connections to Ireland and serve as a conduit to collaboration between our communities both in Ireland and the United States.
The Foundation of the Irish Network USA
In September 2009, in response to the Great Recession, the Irish government convened Ireland’s first Global Economic Forum. Engagement with the Irish diaspora was vital to Ireland’s economic recovery and the Forum saw fit to specifically reinforce cultural and economic ties between the United States and Ireland. The special relationship between these two nations would need a new type of organization to play a different role to support established Irish groups in the United States – the “Irish Network USA” was formed to grow mutual economic, cultural, and social ties between the two countries. Individual chapters of the Irish Network would be established and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassador, and Consul Generals. The Networks would function independently in their regions nationally and grow according to local needs.
Today, the Embassy of Ireland in Washington, D.C. and Irish Consulates promote and assist in the establishment of Irish Networks across the United States. To date, there are 21 Irish Network chapters.
The Creation of the Irish Network DC
In January 2010, with the support of Ambassador Michael Collins and Embassy of Ireland, the Irish Network DC was founded. The chapter was incorporated under the non-profit laws of the District of Columbia in June 2010 and the founding members were William Galvin, John Shanahan, and Isobel Murray. From the outset, IN-DC aimed to hold cultural, educational, social and philanthropic events and grew with healthy membership. In 2012, the Internal Revenue Service granted IN-DC 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. With this designation, IN-DC must retain its neutral stance on political issues and we see this as a strength for civil and unbiased discussion.
Our Partners
IN-DC has forged strong connections with other Irish groups in the Washington, D.C. area including Solas Nua, The Ireland Funds Young Leaders, The Northern Ireland Bureau, The Rose of Tralee Center, The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, The Hill Irish, The Washington, D.C. Gaels, The Washington Ireland Program and The Belfast Beltway Boxing Project.
Other Irish Network Chapters
Irish Network USA
San Diego | Boston | New York | Chicago | Philadelphia | Chicago | Austin Bay Area | Phoenix | Colorado | Seattle | Austin | New Orleans | Houston Buffalo | Cleveland | New Jersey | Delaware | Nevada | Minnesota | Dublin | Portland